Monday, February 9, 2009

Bedtime Prayers

Every night as part of our bedtime routine with Ethan, we pray (albeit a very very short prayer to accomodate a one-year-old's attention span). We always kneel by the couch as a family, just to get into the habit. We've been doing this for a few months now, and a few weeks ago, Ethan started coming to the couch on his own when we tell him it is time for prayer. On Saturday, we did the routine as usual, except when Ethan went over to the couch, he said, "Jesus." I thought I must have misheard, except my mom and Steve also said they heard him say it. We thought it must have been a fluke, so we went on with his routine, reading a bedtime story. Then, my mom suggested doing prayer again, just to see what Ethan did. Sure enough, he came over to the couch and again said, "Jesus." We got him to repeat it at the end of the prayer as well. It was so sweet to hear his little voice say. I'm so proud this is among his first words!